The only platform that can distinguish between disparity and bias

Simple statistics are not enough. There is much more to the story.
Image of law enforcement dashboard of analytics
Image of law enforcement dashboard of analytics
Image of law enforcement dashboard of analytics

Objective and unbiased analytics

Law enforcement agencies everywhere have been inundated with nonsense statistics that fail to go beyond the surface.

Disparity ≠ bias.

Sigma Squared is the first and only platform in the world designed to uncover and address potential biases. Empower your agency with cutting-edge technology to detect, report, and eliminate inefficiencies without overcorrecting in the wrong areas.

Law enforcement agencies everywhere have been inundated with nonsense statistics that fail to go beyond the surface.

Disparity ≠ bias.

Sigma Squared is the first and only platform in the world designed to uncover and address potential biases. Empower your agency with cutting-edge technology to detect, report, and eliminate inefficiencies without overcorrecting in the wrong areas.

Law enforcement agencies everywhere have been inundated with nonsense statistics that fail to go beyond the surface.

Disparity ≠ bias.

Sigma Squared is the first and only platform in the world designed to uncover and address potential biases. Empower your agency with cutting-edge technology to detect, report, and eliminate inefficiencies without overcorrecting in the wrong areas.

Sigma Squared Platform Solutions

Illustration of body cam analysis
Illustration of body cam analysis
Illustration of body cam analysis

Body Cam Analysis

Use AI to analyze any body cam footage for inefficiencies in officer interactions, aiding training, and policy monitoring.

Illustration of comprehensive reporting
Illustration of comprehensive reporting

Comprehensive Reporting

Generate automated reports with Sigma Squared that meet mandated reporting standards, identify trends, and provide recommendations.

Illustration of comprehensive reporting

Comprehensive Reporting

Generate automated reports with Sigma Squared that meet mandated reporting standards, identify trends, and provide recommendations.

Illustration of unbiased data analysis
Illustration of unbiased data analysis

Unbiased Data Analysis

Monitor stops, searches, and arrests success rates in real-time. Also, receive alerts that can integrate with your RMS, ATS, or HRIS.

Illustration of unbiased data analysis

Unbiased Data Analysis

Monitor stops, searches, and arrests success rates in real-time. Also, receive alerts that can integrate with your RMS, ATS, or HRIS.

Illustration of beating consent decree
Illustration of beating consent decree
Illustration of beating consent decree

Beat Consent Decree

Stay ahead of consent decree requirements with a proactive approach to monitoring and addressing bias.

Illustration of success factors
Illustration of success factors

Officer Success Factors

Data-driven phenotypes of success to aid in hiring, promotion, and retention strategies to keep your top performers.

Illustration of success factors

Officer Success Factors

Data-driven phenotypes of success to aid in hiring, promotion, and retention strategies to keep your top performers.

Illustration of hiring and retaining the best talent
Illustration of hiring and retaining the best talent

Hire & Retain the Best

Ensure you are hiring the most qualified officers and building the strongest unit with data-driven talent management tools.

Illustration of hiring and retaining the best talent

Hire & Retain the Best

Ensure you are hiring the most qualified officers and building the strongest unit with data-driven talent management tools.

Success Factors for every role

From Chiefs and Commanders to Detectives and Special Units
Image of generating success factors specific to law enforcement roles
Image of generating success factors specific to law enforcement roles
Image of generating success factors specific to law enforcement roles

"The best way to eliminate bias is to make it visible"

Roland Fryer, PhD

"The best way to eliminate bias is to make it visible"

Roland Fryer, PhD

Whether it's ensuring fair treatment during stops, searches, and arrests, or analyzing body cam footage for potential inefficiencies, Sigma Squared equips you with the tools to act proactively.

Whether it's ensuring fair treatment during stops, searches, and arrests, or analyzing body cam footage for potential inefficiencies, Sigma Squared equips you with the tools to act proactively.

How Sigma Squared Works

How Sigma Squared Works

Animation of connecting data
Animation of connecting data
Animation of connecting data


Connect your data

The flexibility to integrate any data source (structured or unstructured), including your RMS, ATS, HRIS or survey systems.

Animation of analyzing interactions
Animation of analyzing interactions
Animation of analyzing interactions


Analyze interactions

Leveraging over 50 years of social science research with over 200 proprietary algorithmic tests, Sigma Squared is the only platform that can analyze any data source to detect underlying reasoning of anomalies.

Animation of generating reports
Animation of generating reports
Animation of generating reports


Generate reports

Easily create detailed reports and customize them for your specific needs. Customize alerts and frequency to receive data insights in your desired inbox.

Animation of acting on insights
Animation of acting on insights
Animation of acting on insights


Act on insights

Use powerful analytics to develop officer training, adjust policies, and ensure compliance. Your dedicated Sigma Squared partner will help you in creating the ideal solution architecture.

Transparency & accountability

Share reports with your community, auditors, or oversight bodies to build trust and demonstrate your commitment to fairness.

Image of viewing analytics in different visualizations
Image of viewing analytics in different visualizations
Image of viewing analytics in different visualizations
Image of disparity analysis breakdown.
Image of disparity analysis breakdown.
Image of disparity analysis breakdown.

Sole Source Verified

Sole Source Verified

The first and only bias detection tool for law enforcement

Sigma Squared is the first and only platform designed for law enforcement to analyze disparities and uncover if bias exists.

Discover how Sigma Squared improves law enforcement decisions

Discover how Sigma Squared improves law enforcement decisions

Discover how Sigma Squared improves law enforcement decisions