Quick service restaurant of burger and frech fries
Quick service restaurant of burger and frech fries
Quick service restaurant of burger and frech fries

Supercharge Quality Hiring

Screen more effectively, interview more intelligently, and identify top performers.

Our customer impact


Better-fit candidates for hire

Better-fit candidates for hire

Better-fit candidates for hire


Increase in 2+ year retention

Increase in 2+ year retention

Increase in 2+ year retention


Reduction in “bad” attrition

Reduction in “bad” attrition

Reduction in “bad” attrition

Coffee shop barista behind the counter ready to serve customers
Coffee shop barista behind the counter ready to serve customers
Coffee shop barista behind the counter ready to serve customers

Boost hiring effectiveness

It takes time and effort to hire high quality people. Once they're found it's even harder to retain them, especially for restaurants.

Sigma Squared's advanced analytics provide data-driven solutions for identifying candidates most ready to succeed fast and helps identify potential team leaders and managers.

It takes time and effort to hire high quality people. Once quality talent is found it's hard to retain them, especially for quick service restaurants.

Why is it so hard to find, hire, and retain the amazing talent?

Sigma Squared's advanced analytics provide data-driven solutions for identifying candidates most ready to succeed day one and those most likely to succeed at the next level.

It takes time and effort to hire high quality people. Once quality talent is found it's hard to retain them, especially for quick service restaurants.

Why is it so hard to find, hire, and retain the amazing talent?

Sigma Squared's advanced analytics provide data-driven solutions for identifying candidates most ready to succeed day one and those most likely to succeed at the next level.

Hiring Solutions

Hiring Solutions

Hiring Solutions

Success Factors

Start by understanding the picture of success from people who've historically succeeded at your restaurants so that you can find more talent of the same caliber.

Hiring Copilot

Quickly and accurately assess which candidates from a sea of candidates are most likely to succeed based on historical performance. That means everyone gets an opportunity.

Hiring Copilot

Quickly and accurately assess which candidates from a sea of candidates are most likely to succeed based on historical performance. That means everyone gets an opportunity.

AI Applicant Evaluator

Deploy our custom built AI Evaluator to assess for non-cognitive skills so that human-led final interviews have a success rate of 50-75%. 

AI Applicant Evaluator

Deploy our custom built AI Evaluator to assess for non-cognitive skills so that human-led final interviews have a success rate of 50-75%. 

Build Team Loyalty

Build Team Loyalty

Build Team Loyalty

Graphic user interface
Graphic user interface
Graphic user interface


With your team in place, deploy our personalized quick evaluation tool for managers, Quick-E, to assess ongoing performance of front-line workers. 

Promotion Copilot

Promotion Copilot helps by providing an unbiased readiness rating for star performers and a list of top employees to consider for promotion.

Promotion Copilot

Promotion Copilot helps by providing an unbiased readiness rating for star performers and a list of top employees to consider for promotion.

Store Manager Readiness

Identifying strong store leaders is key to driving performance and enhancing customer experience. We will identify managers with the necessary key traits.

Store Manager Readiness

Identifying strong store leaders is key to driving performance and enhancing customer experience. We will identify managers with the necessary key traits.

Compensation Intelligence Tools

Compensation Intelligence Tools

Compensation Intelligence Tools

Make offers with confidence

Whether front or back of house, benchmark offers with the industry while staying in line with your own pay philosophy. 

Automate pay equity with Copilots

Quickly and accurately identify employees that are underpaid relative to their peers and what salary corrections are required to bring them to parity.

Increase Hiring Efficiency

Increase Hiring Efficiency

No more overwhelming applicant pools your team will never sift through. With Sigma Squared every candidate gets an equal chance to apply.

No more overwhelming applicant pools your team will never sift through. With Sigma Squared every candidate gets an equal chance to apply.


Connect your data

The flexibility to integrate from any data source, including your ATS or HRIS.


Analyze Success Factors

Sigma Squared analyzes your data to determine the unique make-up of a top performer at your restaurant for every role.


Optimize with Intelligence

Our AI Screener will evaluate and score your applicant pool based your company's Success Factors and custom application questions tailored to find top talent.


Get Notified of Top Candidates

We will write these insights back to your desired internal tool with the option of enabling notifications when top candidates are found.

Drive revenue and reduce churn

Drive revenue and reduce churn

Drive revenue and reduce churn

with insights right in your workflow.

with insights right in your workflow.

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We support 100s of integrations with ATS's and HRIS's for connections with clean data syncs

Discover how Sigma Squared increases efficiency

Discover how Sigma Squared increases efficiency

Discover how Sigma Squared increases efficiency